The Black Friday Sale at Scrapbook-Elements has already started! Most everything in the store is 25% off (Excludes: Gift Certificates, CD Burning, DOTM, In the Spotlight, Designer Resources, Close Out Specials, Grab Bags and Boor Busters). And, there is a large selection of $1 doorbuster deals (all new products) that will be available for the duration of the sale! Prices will never again be so low on these items! This sale runs through Monday, December 1st!
Visit my store here.
Here are my doorbuster items for $1 each:

And, of course, your little gifty! This is a cute, whimsical acrylic and glitter alpha that would work great for your holiday layouts. Contains lowercase letters only. Enjoy!
I hope everyone that celebrates Thanksgiving has a wonderful holiday!

Download here
PLEASE don't share this link or upload my kit to any filesharing sites. Just send people to my blog to download. And if you use this in a layout, I'd love to take a peek! And thank you so much for your comments - I love reading them!